Frozen Beach

We walked on Sunday at Ferry Beach in Saco, when the temp was about 12 and the wind was blowing at about 25 so it was big-time bundle-up time. We took a nice photo of dunes glistening under a coat of snow frosted by freezing rain, but my computer is balking at inserting it. I will try again later.

So winter has Maine in its grip, finally. I comfort myself that we are halfway through January, that the light is already coming back, that in three short months it will be April. Burrowing in to my house, my office, my flannel-sheeted bed, I’m in active hibernation.

At home I’m cooking a lot, writing a lot, reading a lot. There are no outdoor chores save filling the birdfeeders, shoveling, and spreading ice melt in the driveway, which I did this morning with YakTrax on my shoes to save me a trip to the ER. The compost bin lid kept freezing on, so we’ve called a composting hiatus until the weather warms up. With that in mind, we keep seed catalogs in most every room, dreaming of our hands in the soil, planting, mulching, watering.

It’s always amazing to watch winter’s grip loosen and I’m imagining it already. Though winter was late to settle in, I’m feeling greedy, hoping for an early release.

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