Spring Shift Day

This morning’s beach walk turned out to be what I think of as Spring Shift Day, when the tilt of the earth in this northern clime finally hit a convincing tipping point.  I breathed deeply, pulling the notably softer salt air deep into my lungs, finally confident that winter is behind us.

Appropriately enough, it is Easter Sunday, and the transformation that has occurred in the past seven days has been nothing short of miraculous. The sand was no longer frozen underfoot, the ocean was that lovely blue-green summerish hue, and the wind had lost its sharp winter bite.

We didn’t spot any red winged blackbirds in the marsh that flanks the path to the beach.  No doubt that pleasure awaits us next week.

For those of you not blessed to live near the Maine coast, hit control-click on the link for a little video of what it looked and sounded like this morning at Scarborough Beach. The tide was on its way in, so listen for the waves tossing around the cobble as they made their way up the beach.

Scarborough Beach April 5 2015

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